An Open Love Letter To Art: For The Love Of Art

For The Love of Art

Art is patient,

Because sometimes it takes days, weeks, or years to create a piece of art. Just sitting there, tinkering with paints, clay, glue, glass, or wood, to express themselves and create something — it seems like the artists are the patient ones. But, really, you have to be pretty patient with the artists, who are such uber perfectionists. In this case, art, you’re more of the therapist and the artists are the patients.

Art is kind.

You always understand, art. Like that time when I spilled a bottle of ink on white carpet in the middle of my old bedroom. While trying to clean up a 2-inch spot, it somehow spread to about 3 feet in diameter. Thanks to you, art, it looked like an ACME portable hole that I could crawl into if my mom would have seen what happened.

It does not envy,

You KNOW you’re the only one for me, art baby. Those other activities like grocery-shopping, laundry, and dish-washing mean NOTHING to me, I tell ya! Enjoying a nice walk, a hanging out with friends, or swimming? Psh, who needs all that when I’ve got YOU. My night job at the printing place? It came onto ME! It doesn’t have what you have, art, it really doesn’t.

It does not boast,

Because you don’t even have to. Your awesomeness is simply felt. You quietly lead seduce and excite, seemingly like when the McRib is back.

It is not proud.

Well, it’s kind of hard to be proud of artwork while knowing what goes on beyond the surface of the canvas. Like, who has the time to waste on stuff like getting dressed and showering when I’ve got this article to write about you? Art, you and I both know that right now, I’m sitting here in a tank top and pajama pants, my laptop at one edge of the desk, my illustration in progress on the other. Meanwhile, I try really hard to keep in mind which glass I’m drinking my coffee from and which glass use to clean my brushes.

It is not rude,

Because me revealing my charming scene above doesn’t make you go, “Eww.” Yes, art, you might be thinking “Eww,” but you know better than to say “Eww,” because you know that all of the above is happening only because of Yoouu.

It is not self-seeking,

But that doesn’t even matter to yoouu because you do not let this article define yoouu. You probably didn’t even expect this kind of honor of being featured on IllustrArticles, because this is your 15 seconds of fame. It’s all downhill from here, bro. But even that doesn’t matter, of course.

It is not easily angered,

Because if you were easily angered, art, then it would take me years to create a single piece of artwork that would be to your liking. Thankfully, your sense of humor is refreshing. Like, thousands of times, when I thought that what I really wanted to do is photography for a living, again. And you just HAD to put ideas in my head, like, that one time, to go outside in the dark and freeze out there till 12 a.m., with a set of flashlights, drawing figures in the air and taking photos of them. Again and again, you never showed up to comfort me. You just let me to continue to knock myself out until I realized that illustration really is better for me.

It keeps no record of wrongs.

Like, that one time, when I wrote a really long article about you, art, and you weren’t sure if it was a compliment or an insult. So, in case you were wrong either way, you pretended that you didn’t read it.

Art does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.

Like, that one time, when I told you that I’m wearing a tank top and pajama pants and haven’t showered yet while drawing and writing this article, and you didn’t take it as an opportunity delight in something like, “So, below the surface, filthy wife-beaters wear the pants and spread dirt. Awesome.” You only rejoice in the fact that you didn’t really just read this article. And that fact that you’re not really my wife.

It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Art, you like me! You REALLY like me!

Art never fails.

Because when art fails, it is still a work of art.

3 Reasons Why Your Flooded Basement Is A Great Thing

Last week, homes, businesses, cars, and streets in my hometown Galesburg, Illinois were damaged by floods resulting from heavy rain. I looked for photos online and found that the streets on which I used to walk and drive looked like something out of a movie. I can only imagine what some people’s basements must have looked like and the devastation that they’ve had to deal with since the flood happened.

This is probably what it looks like underwater.

So, as someone who no longer lives in Galesburg and doesn’t own a basement (and as someone who’s never owned a flooded one), I’m practically an expert who can give you advice on why a flooded basement is a great thing. When life gives you water, make:

1. An indoor pool
If there’s one complaint I’ve heard again and again while living in Galesburg, it’s that there’s nothing to do in town. Not anymore! Invite your friends over and swim in your new indoor pool, rain or shine. Of course, if it rains again, that’s even better because then there will be more water to refill your pool for free. If you’re into swimming for exercise, paying to use the pool at YMCA and then having too many people hogging the lanes is a thing of that past. By swimming laps in your basement, you body will be a little more toned and your wallet will be a litter fatter.

2. Your own, private fishing pond
Just add fish. You can throw in some little goldfish or catfish to start, and they will grow even bigger than they ever would in a regular aquarium. You won’t even need to worry about having a fishing license. Make your basement pond fancy by adding a fountain in the middle and some pebbles around the entrance. Get out the picnic basket and your fishing pole. But, if you get arrested for fishing without a license in your basement, you didn’t get this idea from me.

3. Drinking water!
Alright, so this may sound gross, but hear me out here. I’ve been living in Chicago for over 2 and a half years now and I would drink the water from your basement before I’d ever dare to drink the city water from my faucet. Back when I lived in Galesburg as a kid, I’d cringe when my friends drank water out of the garden hose. Today, as an adult in Chicago who has to spend tons of money on water filters and bottled water (that, I can only hope, has already been filtered), I finally understand what kind of freedom I was missing out on.

If, by chance, my 3 reasons above still don’t convince you to appreciate your flooded, half-full basement of water, then try to keep in mind these 3 words I heard in a movie once:

“Just keep swimming” – Dory

Dory may be a cartoon character but she is a fish (who seems to have dealt with her share of hardship and devastation but doesn’t remember much), so she knows a thing or two about water.

Average Heroes #3: The Bus Stop Waiter

The length of this hero’s time as a hero is only as long as the arrival time of the 147 Outer Drive Express. Could this be you?

If you don’t own a car because you care about your impact on your environment. By walking, you’re saving the Earth with each one of your minimized carbon footprints at a time! But if you have to get somewhere faster, you take public transportation. If this is so, then you are:

The Bus Stop Waiter

Average Hero #3: The Bus Stop Waiter

You are drinking coffee at sunrise and waiting for a morning bus so it’s safe to bet that your name is Dawn. Yeah. Probably.

(Wait, is this a sunrise or a sunset? Are we facing east or west?  Maybe there’s tea instead of coffee in that cup? Is this the stop for the Southbound or Northbound 147 Outer Drive Express bus?  What street is this on? Why are there so many variables to consider?)


Then, when the bus arrives, you will no longer be The Bus Stop Waiter. You will become: The Bus Rider.

But only temporarily! And after that— only you know. And It depends on where you’re going and millions of variables. Wherever it is, I hope you don’t become: The Lost Wanderer.

Godspeed, fellow traveler.