Tatyana is the illustrator and writer of IllustrArticles. She's an artist and actor based in Los Angeles, CA.
Follow her on Twitter: @razorberries
Transcript A local car wash was having a sale so I took my car in to get it cleaned. But as I drove out of the carwash, I noticed a little problem. Half of my car was missing. The entire back end of my car was sliced clean off! […]
Transcript I just came back from vacation and I just couldn’t relax. The entire time I couldn’t stop thinking of how to stop scratching my 18 new mosquito bites. Mosquitos are close cousins of fireflies, but not as bright. Turns out, when they reproduce, they use human blood for […]
Transcript A bench was found empty yesterday evening at Weeping Willow Park. Despite all the trees surrounding it, not one of them attempted to sit down and let the bench do its job—by being a bench for everyone to enjoy. The nearest weeping willow, upon being asked why it […]