Car Wash 50% Off


A local car wash was having a sale so I took my car in to get it cleaned. But as I drove out of the carwash, I noticed a little problem.

Car Wash

Half of my car was missing. The entire back end of my car was sliced clean off!

I wasn’t hurt but I was pissed off and terrified! I had friends back there and now they were missing. I went up and asked the clerk what the hell happened?!

He was like, “Ma’am, calm down.”

I couldn’t believe what he just said but it worked: I calmed down immediately! He proceeded to tell me that it’s part of the new promotion. Buy one car wash, and your other ones are 50% off.

Duh, I completely forgot about the sale. That’s the whole reason I even came to the car wash. Not only are my car washes are 50 % off, it’s also better on gas. Especially since I no longer have those friends, who kept asking me to drive them everywhere.