
About Tatyana

Tatyana is the illustrator and writer of IllustrArticles. She's an artist and actor based in Los Angeles, CA. Follow her on Twitter: @razorberries

Whenever I feel like I’m not sure what I’m doing or where I’m going in life, I consult my board of trusted advisers: The music artists in my mp3 player. Within this device are hundreds of creditable people who know just what to say when I need advice or just […]

Average Heroes #4: The Sound Advisers

For The Love of Art
Art is patient, Because sometimes it takes days, weeks, or years to create a piece of art. Just sitting there, tinkering with paints, clay, glue, glass, or wood, to express themselves and create something — it seems like the artists are the patient ones. But, really, you have to be […]

An Open Love Letter To Art: For The Love Of Art

This is probably what it looks like underwater.
Last week, homes, businesses, cars, and streets in my hometown Galesburg, Illinois were damaged by floods resulting from heavy rain. I looked for photos online and found that the streets on which I used to walk and drive looked like something out of a movie. I can only imagine what […]

3 Reasons Why Your Flooded Basement Is A Great Thing