
This young, hardworking squirrel is named Bear. He lives in Milwaukee and has been diagnosed with The Squirrel Diabeetus. But his battle with this disease has been silent because Bear doesn’t have things that we humans tend to take for granted, like being able to afford the internet, and the ability to speak English. It wasn’t […]

One Squirrel’s Fight Against Diabeetus

Congratulations, you are currently watching the super owl. There it is up there. Isn’t it cute? Go on, say hi! It doesn’t do much. It doesn’t have to. It just kind of looks at you inquisitively, as if it’s curious because it has the reputation of being smart. Don’t fall […]

You Are Watching The Super Owl

KIEV, Ukraine — A man is being investigated as a suspect for attempted botany after he was pulled over in traffic for a broken tail light. An open packet of sunflower seeds was found in his car. He insists that he was only going to look at them, and maybe […]

Man Suspected Of Attempted Botany