Wine is an acquired taste. A few years ago, I didn’t drink wine. I even kind of hated it. Now, I love it. Have no fear, I will gladly guide you through the steps of how to appreciate and acquire a taste for wine. But only if you’re 21 or […]
GROCERY STORE—A groundbreaking new study suggests that people in a grocery store are more likely to spend their time shopping than waiting in limes. The study happened by accident when I was grocery shopping and picked up one lime from the bottom of the lime pile. All of the sudden, […]
SAN FRANCISCO — A family of cakes caused traffic to screech to a halt as they were crossing the street, officials said. The confections were not injured. However, at least 8 people had to be rushed to a cafe to be treated for severe salivation. The cakewalk happened just a few minutes after a nearby pastry shop filed a police […]