
OUTER SPACE — Man, it was really windy the other day in Chicago. Earth must have been spinning around the sun extra fast. I had to take a trip to outer space to see what exactly was the problem and captured this image. Earth must have been moving, like, AT LEAST […]

Earth Moving Too Fast, Lunch Ruined

KIEV, Ukraine — A man is being investigated as a suspect for attempted botany after he was pulled over in traffic for a broken tail light. An open packet of sunflower seeds was found in his car. He insists that he was only going to look at them, and maybe […]

Man Suspected Of Attempted Botany

PACIFIC OCEAN — Due to the increased sea glass hunting and decreased littering, sea glass is becoming an endangered species. Sea glass activists and environmentalists urge beach-goers to bring more colorful glass bottles and break them at the beach. Not much is known about the mating life of sea glass because it […]

How To Save The Mysterious Life of the Endangered Sea Glass