
About Tatyana

Tatyana is the illustrator and writer of IllustrArticles. She's an artist and actor based in Los Angeles, CA. Follow her on Twitter: @razorberries

A sick, new drinking game is sweeping the nation. All the super cool people are doing it. The rules of the game: You must be sick with a cold You must take a shot of cold medicine every time 4 hours go by Your favorite liquid cold medicine, like DayQuil […]

Drinking Game For People Sick With Colds

  ♫ So, la-da-di-da-di We like tea parties ♪ YOHO: You Only Halloween Once (per year): Time to put on really weird clothes and run around streets pounding on doors while nearly breaking into homes with our gaping jaws in search of candy. At the end of the night, we […]

What Does Your Halloween Costume Reveal About You?

We can’t attempt to think outside the box if there is no box of which to think outside, in the first place. Now that everyone has been thinking OUTSIDE the box so much, we’re beginning to forget why thinking INSIDE the box was ever important. These are some things that […]

4 Awesome Reasons Why Thinking INSIDE The Box Gets You Ahead