Monthly Archives: June 2013

Thought (noun) The product of mental activity; that which one thinks: a body of thought. With stress coming from all directions in our lives, our minds can really suffer and cause a ton of preventable health problems for us. If not well-taken care of, our thoughts can get pretty rowdy or […]

3 Easy Steps to Total Mind Control

Whenever I feel like I’m not sure what I’m doing or where I’m going in life, I consult my board of trusted advisers: The music artists in my mp3 player. Within this device are hundreds of creditable people who know just what to say when I need advice or just […]

Average Heroes #4: The Sound Advisers

For The Love of Art
Art is patient, Because sometimes it takes days, weeks, or years to create a piece of art. Just sitting there, tinkering with paints, clay, glue, glass, or wood, to express themselves and create something — it seems like the artists are the patient ones. But, really, you have to be […]

An Open Love Letter To Art: For The Love Of Art